Patrick was born July 11th, 1890 in Lakeview, Harbour Main Newfoundland, Canada. He was the 5th child born to Stephen Flynn Sr and MaryAnn Tubrett.
Recently, I made contact with his grand daughter Susan, who shared with me that her Grandfather Patrick and her Father Roy Thomas were Hoist Engineers. She also stated that she was told by her Aunts that Stephen Sr was a Hoist Engineer also, working in the Mines in Newfoundland.
In March of 1912, at the age of 21, Patrick married Louise (Lucy) McGrath from Harbour Grace, NFLD. Susan informed me that her Grandfather never fought in WWI, as I had stated in a previous entry. A son Patrick Jr was born in 1913 and a daughter Rose born 1914 while they were still living in Newfoundland. Another daughter Ellen (Nell) born 1918 in Nova Scotia en route to Hamilton Ontario where they settled and raised their family of 10 children total.
I believe this photo is of a young Patrick Thomas Flynn Sr,. through process of elimination and comparision to the below photo and others sent to me by my 2nd cousin Susan. She will have her Aunts confirm this in the near future. (Notice the Steel-toed shoes he is wearing)
The photo on the right is of Patrick and Lucy Flynn taken May 1962 at their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Patrick Thomas Flynn Sr died Apr 14th 1963 of cancer at the age of 73 years. Susan states she believes he sufferred from Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
I look forward to meeting Patrick and Lucy's family and learning more about their life.
Elaine, I am finally catching up with your blog. I love your stories and photos. Elizabeth Flynn Morey really reminds me of you! She was a beautiful lady!