
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Stephen Flynn Sr

This is a photo of my Great Grandfather Stephen Flynn Sr., and my Grandfather Stephen Flynn Jr.  This photo was found amongst many other old photos in my mother's collection.  The date on the back is 1920, the same year Stephen Sr. died at the age of 75 years.  Stephen Jr. was 25 years at that time.

Aunt Agnes and Uncle Ray informed me, they had never seen a photo of their grandfather before, that this was a first. They immediately asked if I had found any photos of their grandmother Mary Ann Tubrett who had died in 1930.  Sad to say, I have not.

I don't know very much about Stephen Sr., only the few pieces I have been able to put together.  He had died before his grandchildren were born, (My Mom, My Aunts and Uncles), so there are no stories to share of his life.

What I do know is, he was 38 years when he married Mary Ann Tubrett of Harbour Main on May 10th, 1883, she was ten years younger then he.  A year later, he divided the Flynn property with his sisters in May 1884, then that September his first child was born, whom he named after his father, Michael. Stephen Sr and Mary Ann had a total of 8 children ,  Michael 1884, Thomas 1885, Mary Ellen 1887, Esther 1889, Patrick 1891, Elizabeth 1892, Stephen 1895 ( My Grandfather) and Philip Martin 1900.

Looking at the photo, I would say, my grandfathers were serious hardworking men, who took pride in their work, their family and themselves. My Great Grandfather looks very good for 75 years old.  Looking at the photo, I question, who took the photo and why? The location seems to be on their property, the fence looks very similar to later photos. Why isn't my Great Grandmother in the photo?  Looking at the photo, I understand, why I have the long arms that I do.  In my family we call them "Flynn Arms"

I am so glad I found this photo.

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