
Friday, November 18, 2011

Release of Land

Interpretation of Letter Written by Stephen Flinn (DOB 1845 - 1920) May 11th 1884
Draft Done by Raymond John Flynn and Elaine Dollen Clark on March 8th 2011

I Stephen Flinn do acknowledge and agree to give up the rights and titles of two parcels of land to my four sisters.  One piece situated at the foot of Grants (?) Marsh Hill at the southwest corner of the river and the other piece of land at the southside of Harbor Main bounded by Thomas and John Flinn to have and to hold whilst grass grow and water run.

And I do agree to give up my claim of all other land claimed by Michael Flinn who was our father also House, Sellar and Stable and their articles of Furniture to have and to hold without further claim whilst grass grow and water run.

Thomas X Hawco                                                                   Martin X Walsh
      (married Mary Flinn)                                                             (married Louisa Flinn)

Phillip X Hawco                                                                     Catherine X Flinn
       (married Sarah Flinn)

I do agree to give my part of the land but not my claim of the house until I get one myself.

                                                                                               Patrick Dwyer

                                                   Uncle Ray, Myself and My Mom, Mary

What We Learned

Michael Flynn proabably died before 1884 and did not leave a will or if he did, left everything to his son Stephen, who then decided to divide it with his sisters.

The Flynn Property was much broader than Uncle Ray knew of.

Hawco's and Walsh's are cousins.

Land on the southside of Harbour Main was bounded by Thomas and John Flynn.  Were they Michael's brothers?  Note - Thomas and John Flynn of Harbour Main are documented on a  1835 Voters List. (Time period is a good match)

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