
Friday, November 25, 2011

Family Relics

The Flynn Family had a deep faith in God and followed the Roman Catholic Religion.  Their faith gave them the strength to persevere through hard times and taught them to value life.

I recently came across three items that represent the family's faith.  Aunt Agnes states these items were always in their home, for as long as she can remember.  She believes they were in the house when her mother Ellen Tobin married Stephen Flynn Jr, and possible they came from Ireland.  She is not certain of the history.

The first item is a large statue of St Anthony, that is in Aunt Agnes' possession.  She tells the story of bringing it to her home, the airline wanted to charge her for another seat but she insisted that she would hold it in her lap the whole way home to Southern California.  There are no markings on the statue, telling who, where or when it was made. It sits on Aunt Agnes' dresser as a mystery, except that it came from  Flynn's Hill in Harbour Main, Newfoundland, Canada.

The second item is a large wooden frame piece, with a box in the back that holds a scrolling mechisim, displaying the Mysteries of the Rosary.  This item was amoung my mother's things.  Aunt Agnes told me, The Mysteries of the Rosary hung in their kitchen over the daybed when they were growing up. I never heard the story of how my mother brought it to her home.
The last item is a framed Blessed Sacrament Tribute to Pope Pius VI, the date on the bottom is 27 March 1776.  Yes, 1776, that makes this Family Relic 235 years old.  It hung in the hallway above the top of the stairs in the Flynn home.

I hope someday to learn more about these pieces but for now, knowing they are from the Flynn Family History will have to do.

1 comment:

  1. These are very beautiful. It must be a treat to look so far back in time.
