
Monday, July 1, 2013

My Trip Home

"Me" at the top of Signal Hill
St John's, Newfoundland Canada
It will be two weeks tomorrow, that I have been back from my month long trip home to Newfoundland Canada.  I have spent most of that time trying to get caught up on all the things that did not have my attention while I was away, especially my vegetable garden!  I can say now, after two weeks," It is almost there!"  Lesson learned - next time I will hire someone to tend to it while I am away!

Spending the last 2 weeks in my garden though, has given me time to think, process and absorb all the incredible, amazing experiences I had during my trip home.
My 2013 Vegetable Garden
Silver Lake, WI

Visiting with relatives, old and new, some I had never met before, hearing their stories, tasting traditional Newfoundland dishes, climbing the Great Hill (mountain) behind my grandparents old house, and of course, the music, songs and laughter.

I felt extremely welcomed in each and every place I stayed and visited! I felt very much a part of the Flynn Family!

 But I also realized, that there is so much I do not know of my Newfoundland Heritage and Culture.

My trip was exciting, informative, intriguing and at times, exhausting!  I was challenged a bit by the Newfoundland accent and their expressions especially with it being so long since I had been home. ( 26 years).  My relatives were patient, understanding but found me amusing in my repetitive questioning of what they were saying.  After asking where I was from, a second cousin acknowledged that he should speak slowly for me! My response was "Yes!, Please do!"

So, I have many stories and photos to share of my trip, and will be doing so in the next few weeks on my Flynn Family History Blog.  But first there were a couple of entries I did not have time to post before I left in May.  I will post them so that they do not get lost or overlooked.

Thank you so very much! to All My Flynn Family Relatives for making my visit memorable and for welcoming me into your homes and your hearts. I hope to stay in touch and get back home soon!


1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to hearing your stories, Elaine!
