
Thursday, April 25, 2013

For the Record

Aunt Agnes
on the back " Me on the Big Rock"
Aunt Agnes abt 1970's
on the back - "In the Pen"

I have learned a lot of new information for my Flynn Family History Blog from my second cousins Frank and Joe Flynn, and have also learned of a few adjustments I need to make, as well.

I will post the corrections here, so then, current followers will be aware of the changes, but I will also make the adjustments to the pertaining entries.

#1 - My reference to "Flynn's Hill" as the mountain behind my grandparents house in Lakeview Harbour Main is actually "Charlie's Mountain" named after an early settler, cousin Joe believes it was a Charlie Hynes of that area.  Behind the mountain to the west, there is also a pond called "Charlie's pond". "Flynn's Hill" is the land and the road that passes in front of my grandparents house, which continues up the hill in front of William Flynn's house. At one point, the Flynn property was probably much broader then we are aware of.

I remember Aunt Agnes telling me there was a fence they had to climb over when they went up the mountain, I remember this fence too. She said they would refer to it as going "In the Pen", I think this fence separated the land from the mountain, maybe a property line.

#2 - Joe and Frank also informed me that their grandfather Michael Flynn, my Great Uncle died on December 23rd 1916.  Their grandmother was Catherine Kent born on Bell Island, (not Catherine Sweeney as I had posted) She was referred to as "Kitty Kent" and her father was William Kent.

Joe states they do have a photo of Michael and Kitty from two separate occasions taken sometime before 1916, that can be added to Stephen Flynn Sr's family page.  I look forward to seeing the photos.

Aunt Agnes coming down the mountain and looking out over Third Pond.


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