
Friday, March 15, 2013

Willian Flynn's Family

Wiliam A. Flynn's Children

Front - Lt to Rt, Oldest to Youngest
Michael, Mary, Catherine, Gloria,
Back Rt to Lt
John, William, Helen, Mildred, Isabelle, Joseph, Anastasia, Clare, and Frank
Photo taken Fall 2012
Wiliam A. Flynn
with 9 of his 13 children taken about 1955

William Flynn was my Grandfather's nephew who came to live with him on Flynn's Hill after his parents died of Typhoid Fever, when he was abt 7 years old. He married Helen Frances Healy in 1938 and built a house just up the hill from my Grandfather's place. They raise a family of 13 children. Yes that's right! Thirteen Children.  That means, Thirteen 2nd cousins for me, who grew up on Flynn's Hill.

My brothers, sister and I often played with "Uncle Bill's" younger children Clare, Anastasia and Frank while visitng our grandparents on Flynn's Hill.

Recently, I  connected with some of them, Clare, Gloria and Helen through Social Media. Helen has shared some photos of her father's house and reveals she has lots of wonderful stories about growing up on Flynn's Hill.  She states, " I can describe each vegetable garden, every path, the brook, the mountain in great detail, and could even draw sketches if necessary".

I look forward to hearing all of their stories of growing up and learning more about their father, as well!

I spoke with 2nd cousin John, by telephone last fall about getting in touch with his brother Joe, And just the other day, I received a call from Joe!  Yes! that is correct! Joe Flynn who wrote the note to my mother about his visit to see Uncle Martin in New York back in 1993. He received my message that I was looking to talk with him. Joe informs me, that a copy of the tape recording of his visit is on it's way.  He explains that he had heard about Uncle Martin who left Harbour Main and moved to New York more than 60 years prior. Traveling in the the states, he decided to find him and meet him ( with help from my mother). 

Joe has been researching The Flynn Family History as well, has read my Blog, and already has been helpful with accuracy on dates and additional information.  We intend to stay in touch and work together.

The above photo of William Flynn's Children was from their most recent reunion, taken Fall 2012.  How wonderful that they are able to all get together, especially with being such a large family. It is really quite an accomplishment!


This photo, was taken the summer of 1966 or 1967 on Flynn's Hill.  It is one of my favorite photos!.  Nanny is there on the Lt, "Uncle Dad" relaxing in her arms. 2nd cousin Isabelle, me, my brother Mike and 2nd cousin Frank.


The photo on the left, was taken around 1966 visiting with my second cousins in Nanny's Sitting Room.

Lt to Rt

Clare, "Me" and Anastasia


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