
Friday, January 11, 2013

History of "The Flynn Estate" - Part 1


Stephen Flynn Jr on  The Flynn Estate
abt 1950's
On several occasions, my Grandfather Stephen Flynn Jr. composed a hand written summary entitled " Hx of the Estate".  The original copy was among my mother's possessions and is now part of my genealogy file.  It is a valuable resource that I often review for information.

In the first summary, my grandfather tells about the first settler on Flynn's Hill, Daniel Dunlae from Ireland and his daughter Elizabeth who married Michael Flynn ( his Grandfather).  They settled on the southside of Harbour Main (waterside).  He reports they had seven children.
See Blog Entry - "The Beginning of Flynn's Hill"
November 10th, 2011

The second summary is dated August 1972, my grandfather is 77 years old at the time, he tells about his father Stephen Flynn Sr and his mother MaryAnn.  He talks about the oldest son Michael (his brother) who died Dec 1917 on Bell Island and Michael's wife who died the following month leaving a family of 5 children. My grandfather states that with his parents permission he took one son "Bill" to live with them on the Flynn Estate.
See Blog Entry - "Family Ties" November 30th, 2011

 Also in the second summary, my grandfather gives the exact dates his parents died and states there was no "Will" at the time of their death. According to the summary he remained on the Estate after the death of his parents and raised his family.  Years later he administered to the court for the Estate and collected letters from each of his siblings a "Deed of Release" 

                         Sister - Esther Flynn Lahey - Bell Island, Newfoundland
                         Brother - Phillip Martin Flynn - New York, USA
                         Brother - Patrick T. Flynn - Hamilton, Ontario
                         Sisters - Mary Ellen Flynn and Elizabeth Flynn Morey of New York

The Deed was recorded the 9th day of April 1957 A.D. at 12:40 P.M. Vol 524-5 " Deed of Release"

Stephen Flynn Jr and Ellen Mary Tobin Flynn
In front of their house in Lakeview Harbour Main, NFLD abt 1970's

These Family History Summaries have helped answer some of the questions regarding the Flynn Family beginnings in Lakeview Harbour Main,  Newfoundland, Canada almost 200 years ago. My Grandfather felt it was important to put into writing the history of his family and the land which had been in his family for so many years.  He had a strong sense of history and tradition. I think he would appreciate that the summaries were saved, studied and will be remembered.

The next entry will review the history of the Flynn Estate after my grandfather's death.


1 comment:

  1. Love this blog. I am Mary Ellen Flynn Holden Morse's granddaughter and I have additional information I can provide to you.
