
Monday, August 13, 2012

In a "Holding Pattern"

Entries for my Flynn Family History Blog have been somewhat in a "Holding Pattern". Just like an airplane put in a "Holding Pattern" waiting to land at a busy airport or waiting for bad weather to clear.

So here are a few updates that have been on hold over the past month.  First of all, regarding my connection with second cousin Joe Flynn and his tape recording of his visit with Great Uncle Martin Flynn in New York in 1994. I learned from his brother John, that Joe does still have the tape recording and will bring it with him when he comes home to Newfoundland around August 10th.  I must say I am very excited to hear this news,  so excited that I took all the Canadian money I had  and mailed it to John to help with the expense of copying the tape and for sending me a copy. I knew that money would come in handy one day. So today is August 13th, I imagine I will be hearing something soon.

Regarding my recent connection with my grandfather's brother Patrick Thomas Flynn's grand daughter, Susan Flynn Francis, she is now back from her month-long get-away at her cottage and will be getting together with her Great Aunts ( Uncle Patrick's daughters) in a couple of weeks. At that time, I hope to have a few questions answered and to have some photos confirmed.

There are no new developments regarding my connection with my possible 5th cousin Gerry thru my 2nd Great Grandfather Michael Flynn.  I have learned with researching ancestry, that things don't always fall into place and that waiting is part of the process.

Another bit of news I am waiting on, which might only provide information on my father's side of the family ( The Dollens) are the results of a recent DNA Test through  My 2nd cousin, Linda Dooley had the idea and my brother Michael was willing to help in our research project.  I am not sure if the results will give us any information on my mother's family  (The Flynns).  If that is the case, I may need to find a male Flynn cousin who would be willing to share his DNA!   Hmmmmmm????

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