
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ellen Mary Tobin Flynn


My Grandmother, Ellen Mary Tobin, was born July 8th 1904 in Ship Cove (Cape Shore) Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, Canada. Her parents were John William Tobin and Mary Bridget Follett.  She was the 3rd child of eight children.  My mother told me, my grandmother was a school teacher before she was married at the age of 22. Recently, Uncle Ray shared the story, that his mother was paid $25.00 every three months for teaching.  The school inspector, Johnny Conran, who was also a family friend, found his mother a different job as housemaid for the Govenor in St. John's.  This job paid 25.00 a month.  Uncle Ray states, it was during this time his mother Ellen and his father Stephen met.

On the back of the photo of my grandmother sitting, it is handwritten " This is a snap of me before I was married" then in different handwriting it says "This is Elsie, Stephen Flynn's wife from Newfoundland."

I would say the photo on the left, might of be taken when my grandmother was a teacher and the photo on the right, was taken while she was working as a housekeeper for the Governor.  These photos were probably taken around 1924 - 1926, making my grandmother about 20 - 22 years old.


  1. Elaine

    I had never seen the picture of nanny with the cat before. The other I feel I might have seeen before.

    She was such a sweet lady!

  2. I think you get your love of teaching from you grandmother, Ellen Mary Tobin!
