
Monday, December 12, 2011

A Christmas Card

Uncle Martin
taken July 31, 1993
93 years old
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This Christmas Card was sent to my mother Mary, by Joe Flynn,(my second cousin) son of William Flynn.  Joe is thanking my mother for helping him find Uncle Martin.  He states he had a good visit with him and made a tape recording of his visit for his Dad, ( William ) Joe found Uncle Martin to be a pleasant old man full of stories about home ( Flynn's Hill ) and that his Dad really enjoyed the tape.

A tape recording from my Great Uncle Martin, full of stories of Flynn's Hill. OHHHHHHHH!  BOY!, How I would love to get a hold of that tape!  Even just to talk to my cousin about his visit with Uncle Martin would be so great!  I have sent a message to Joe's sister Claire who is on Facebook, regarding my interest in finding her brother Joe.  I wonder if he still has the tape recording.  I sure hope he still has the tape recording and is willing to share this Treasure!

This photo of Uncle Martin was taken Christmas 1956, he reminds me very much of Grandfather. 

         Wishing you a Happy Holiday and the Best of Everything in the New Year!                            
                                  Love Elaine 

1 comment:

  1. I wish you the best of luck finding that recording. Keep hunting and asking,Elaine! Love your new look!
