
Monday, November 14, 2011

Michael and Elizabeth

Reviewing my mother notes, taken from the "History of the Estate" by Stephen Flynn Jr.   Elizabeth, Daniel Dunlae's daughter married my Great Great Grandfather Michael Flynn.  My mother states she was told as a child, he was a tailor and shipbuilder.  It was said that Michael did not need written plans in order to build a ship and among the clothes which he made, were those for children.

Michael and Elizabeth settled on the South side of Harbour Main ( water side ), as fishing was the main source of livelihood.  The property that was the residence of the late Stephen Flynn Jr in Lake View, was first used as a winter residence by Michael and Elizabeth, but when the main highway went through it became the permanent reside.

Michael and Elizabeth had a family of seven; five girls and two boy, Catherine, Josephine, Sarah, Louisa, Mary, Stephen and Thomas.  Thomas, it states died at a young age. Stephen is my great grandfather. Stephen was born 1845, Louisa-1847, Sarah-1854.

In 1994, a request was sent to Sts Peter and Paul Parish in Harbour Main for information on Michael and Elizabeth from my mother Mary, she did this to help my son Brian with his Special Interest Project for school. A response was received stating they only had baptismal and marriage records ( no death records were ever kept) that start in May 1857. They had no record of Michael, what so ever, only Elizabeth and the information from the grave marker.  The baptismal and marriage registers from 1833 to 1857 for this area are lost forever as they were burnt in a church fire at Brigus and as far as they know no other records exists anywhere, and it was probably during that time period that Michael and Elizabeth were married and their children were born.

This information is very disappointing, at least I know why I can not find what I was looking for.  Uncle Ray told me that he remembers a story he was told, about four Flynn brothers who came from Ireland, all settling in different parts of Newfoundland. Was Michael Flynn one of those brothers or were the brothers from the previous generation? The search continues!

      History of Saints Peter and Paul Roman catholic Parish Church - Hr. Main

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