
Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Dedicate My First Post to My Mother

Learning the story of Flynn's Hill began for me when I was just old enough to remember.  My Mother Mary Bridget Flynn Dollen was always telling us about her family, her father Stephen Flynn Jr., her mother Ellen Mary Tobin Flynn, her brothers and sisters, George, Agnes, Rosella and Raymond. Although she was thousands of miles away from home she shared many stories of growing up in Harbour Main, Newfoundland, Canada, that we felt as if we really knew them and as if we were there on Flynn's Hill.

My mother's life began on Flynn's Hill on March 23rd 1929, she is the oldest of five children. This photo is of my mother Mary and her father Stephen, taken the summer of 1930.

My Mom is unable to share the stories with us any longer because of Alzhiemers, I am so grateful for the fact that she did, so I can pass on this family history.  My mother had a strong sense of family, she loved history, english and writing.  So in her honor I will attempt to write the stories of Flynn's Hill.


  1. Flynn's Hill looks like a beautiful place.

  2. I'm looking for info on Flynn from chapel cove my grandmother was Mary Flynn born in chapel cove not sure on her parents I think they had connection to fewers also her parents are buried in chapels cove any info would help thanks
