
About Me

My name is Elaine T Clark and I along with my sister MaryLeah are family historians. (I am on the right of my mother) I live in the southeast corner of Wisconsin in the small town of Silver Lake with my husband Roger and Golden Retriever Lucy. My interest in genealogy began as a young girl hearing the stories from my mother about her life and family in Newfoundland Canada. My interest was recharged twenty years ago when my son Brian conducted a Special Interest Project at school on Family History.  He had been inspired by his grandmother's stories as well.  Then my interest was fully ignited about 3 years ago when my sister and I signed on to and we started our Family History Books.

I believe it is important to know your family's story, the good and the bad. Through this endeavor, I have obtained a better understanding of who I am and gained knowledge of the family that shaped me.  I have learned that I am part of a larger story and that my being will have an impact on generations that follow.

As I approach my 50th Birthday, I am compelled to share the stories I have learned along the way.  So with the help of my Aunt Agnes and my Uncle Ray I will attempt to write the story of Flynn's Hill, so that those who follow will know the stories as well.