
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

One Year in Time

This day marks the 1st Anniversary for my Flynn Family History Blog, I remember telling Aunt Agnes when I started the Blog one year ago, " I am not sure where this will go".

But after 64 Postings and 6,416 Views from people all over the world including countries such as, Sri Lanka, Chile, France, Russia, Brazil, Australia, Italy, Mongolia, United Kingdom, Germany, Costa Rica and of course Canada and the USA. I feel confident in saying "It is going well!"

There are some people listed as "Official Followers" of the Blog and others that just check in consistently from time to time. Many though, are those who come across "Flynn's Hill" by accident, by searching common words that are in the Title Entries, for example " The Newfoundland Dog" and "U.S Naval Air Base-Argentia" are extremely popular. The most viewed entry though is "I Dedicate my First Post to my Mother", which is the heart of my writing.

The most rewarding aspect of writing the Flynn Family History and putting it out on the Internet is being able to share the information with my relatives that I may not have ever had contact with. I have collected new stories and family members along the way.  It is amazing to be able to communicate with so many people from my laptop computer that sits on my desk, in the corner my kitchen, in the little town of Silver Lake, located in Southeastern Wisconsin, USA.

I started "Flynn's Hill" in attempt to preserve the stories told to me by my mother, so that they would be remembered and passed along to generations to come. Thank you for your interest and words of encouragement!

Me with my grand daughters, Avery and Mayce
 Summer 2012

To Vote in America

"Statue of Liberty" in New York Harbour
 photo from my mother's collection
 taken around 1950
Today!, in America, it is Election Day! All United States Citizens will cast their vote and then anxiously await the results, which will determine the path our country will take.  It has been a extremely long, grueling process to get to this day with many passionate people stating their concerns and beliefs for a better, stronger America.
 They say this is to be a "Historic Presidential Election".

Mary Bridget Flynn
taken 1951
My mother, Mary Bridget Flynn came to America in October, 1949 from Flynn's Hill in Harbour Main, Newfoundland to live with her mother's sister, her Aunt Agnes in Brooklyn, New York at the age of 20 years old.  After living in the U/S for six years and marrying an U/S citizen, my father LeRoy Otto Dollen, she became an U/S Citizen in 1955.  My mother worked for the U/S Navy Civil Service as a Legal Secretary for 33 years, she took her career very seriously and always strived to do her very best. She took her duty of voting serious as well and had great respect for the United States of America.  My mother understood that voting was her right, her privilege and her responsibility as a citizen of the United States of America!  
I have the opportunity to vote in America today, because this young woman had the courage and the strength to leave her home and her family to come to America.
I am proud to be her daughter!, I am proud to be an American!