
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Philip Martin Flynn

When Uncle Ray came to Wisconsin for a visit in March 2011, we reviewed the Flynn Family History.  He shared some stories I had never heard before, like the story of "Uncle Martin". Uncle Ray explained that he was told, Uncle Martin went off to WWI at a very young age (too young to really join) and never returned to Flynn's Hill.  It was not until many years after the war had ended that a letter came from New York City stating that he was living there now.       

I found this unlabeled photo in my mother's collection,  I believe this photo is of Uncle Martin, a young man in a military uniform who went off to war, in a family collection of  photos. Looking closely at his hat you will see an anchor symbol under a crown which would indicated the British Navy. Newfoundland was a Colony of England in the early 1900's.  

Philip Martin Flynn was born May 12th, 1900 in Harbour Main, Newfoundland. He was the 8th child born to Stephen Flynn Sr and Mary Ann Tubrett, making him my Great Uncle. He would of been about 15 - 18 years old during WWI. This young man in the photo looks to be around that age. There were only a few early photos, in my mother's collection and as stories are learned the fragments of that time period come together. I strongly feel that the story told by Uncle Ray is a match to this photo!

Several records found through show Philip Martin Flynn traveled back and forth from North Sydney, Nova Soctia, Canada  to New York, USA between Feb 1919 to Sept 1923 for work. His occupation is listed as Iron Worker and Laborer. The U.S Dept of Labor Memorandum (on the right) dated Sept 22, 1923  records his last permanent residence as Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and his destination as Franklin, New York, USA. Uncle Martin's older brother Patrick was living in Hamilton, Ontario from 1918 on, so that would make sense that he went to live with his brother after WWI and not return to Harbour Main.  The 1940's U.S Census shows Philip Martin living in Rockville Centre, Nassau County in Long Island, New York living as a lodger in the house of Leroy Baily on Sunrise Hwy. He is single at the time and his occupation was Laborer for the Village Water Dept.

Aunt Agnes holding daughter Denise, Great Uncle Martin, his daughter Mary,
his wife Mary and my Mother Mary

The above photo was taken in New York around 1956 during a visit to see Uncle Martin and his family by my mother and her sister.  Aunt Agnes helped to identify this photo of Uncle Martin, his daughter Mary and his wife Mary. I have not found any additional information on Uncle Martin's family.

This photo of Uncle Martin was taken July 13, 1993 by my second cousin Joe Flynn.  He sent a card with this photo to my mother Christmas 1993. Joe writes in the card, "I found Uncle Martin to be a pleasant old man full of stories of home".  
Philip Martin Flynn died January 19th, 1994, at 93 years old, in Uniondale, Nassau, New York.
My cousin Joe tape recorded his visit with Uncle Martin for his father, I hope one day, to hear that tape.



Friday, October 5, 2012

Memories of Uncle George

Me, Uncle George and his oldest son Wayne
taken abt 1966

My first memory of Uncle George would have to be sitting around the dinner table.  His presence was that of a "Gentle Giant", tall, towering, respected and sometimes intimidating.  He would insist that each food on your plate be tried and would notice if any had not. I remember "collard greens", especially ( they were not my favorite) Uncle George would persist until they were tried.  I would get so mad and refuse to eat them, stating  " I do not like them and I will not eat them".  Thinking back over this time, I am sure it was the reaction he was after the most, dinner would end with his chuckle. Although, Brenda his daughter once told me, "No, He was serious and he meant it!"

 I remember how he played the Violin and the Accordion, my mom told me Uncle George learned to play by listening. Aunt Agnes clarified he learned to play the accordion by ear, and took lessons to play the violin. I was always in awe when he played, I remember thinking "How does he know how to do that?"

 Uncle George would play and anyone listening would dance, especially my Aunts.  He loved to play and they loved to dance!

Uncle George was a Plumber by Trade, his father Stephen Jr was a Plumber also. Uncle George was a very hardworking man, owned his own business and taught at the local Technical School. It just so happened that I married a plumber as well. In July 2006 while at a Plumbing Convention in Las Vegas, NV, my husband was talking to a group of men who were from Newfoundland. Roger mentioned that my mother was from Newfoundland near St. John's. He then asked if any of them knew George Flynn? One gentlemen spoke up and said that he did, that George Flynn had been his instructor and that he was the best instructor he had ever had, saying with much respect.  Imagine being so many miles away from home and those two men would meet and know of George Flynn.

George Anthony Flynn was born October 16th, 1931 on Flynn's Hill in Harbour Main, NFLD, he was the third child born to Stephen Jr and Ellen Mary Tobin Flynn.  He married Hilda Williams and raised a family of 5 children, Wayne, Janet, Tony, Brenda and Dennis. He lived his entire life in Newfoundland and passed away October 8th, 2006, of Colon Cancer, 8 days before his 75th Birthday.  His son Wayne told me," He worked until the very end, it was just how he was".
Uncle George playing the Accordion and my Aunts dancing!
The month of October marks the Anniversary of Uncle George's Birth and his Death. I dedicate this post to "My Uncle George"



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Elizabeth Flynn

This is a photo of Elizabeth Flynn Morey with Roy Thomas Flynn taken abt 1930 while visiting her brother Patrick and his family in Hamilton, Ontario. I obtained this photo from Roy's Daughter Susan.  Elizabeth was my Grandfather Stephen's sister making her my Great Aunt.  She was the sixth child of Stephen Sr and Mary Ann Flynn.

Elizabeth was born Oct 23, 1892 in Harbour Main, Newfoundland. She left Flynn's Hill when she was 18 years old,  moving to New York City, USA around 1910 with her older sister Mary Ellen. An U.S. Naturalization Document found through shows her married to Robert John Morey in 1919 living in Boston, Mass. Robert was from Sandy Cove, NFLD

An U.S. Social Security Death Index found also through documents her death in Feb 1973 at the age of 81 years.

This is all the information I have found regarding my Great Aunt Betty. I remember the story Uncle Ray shared about when he was young and receiving barrels of clothing from his Aunt Mary and Aunt Betty from New York.

I am hoping this post will bring forth more information about Elizabeth Flynn Morey.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Louise (Lucy) McGrath Flynn

My Great Uncle, Patrick Flynn from Harbour Main, NFLD married Louise (Lucy) McGrath in March 1912 at the Immaculate Conception Church in Harbour Grace. Lucy was born in 1889 and was raised in Harbour Grace, a town 30 miles North of Harbour Main in Conception Bay.  On the Rt, is a photo of  Lucy's son Roy at the house Lucy was born in, during a visit  to Newfoundland years ago.

In 1918, Patrick and Lucy along with their two oldest children moved to Hamilton Ontario, probably for the prospect of better work opportunities.  Lucy was pregnant at the time of the move and gave birth en route to Ontairio while in Nova Scotia.

 Lucy's grand daughter Susan states she has not found very much information about the McGrath Family, she knows her grandmother did have alot of siblings but wonders if the spelling of the last name was changed. Some say it was McGraw and was pronounced as such.

According to Susan, Lucy was a "little thing" at 4 ft 11 inches while Patrick stood tall at 6 ft 2 inches. Susan goes on to describe her grandmother as a very religious woman, she would kneel to say the rosary every morning and attended mass each day. She had beautiful red hair (later auburn) which was that colour til she died,with only one little patch of grey.  She would braid her hair and put it up in a bun.

Susan remembers her father Roy telling her, that her grandmother was a great cook.  She would bake 3 pies for her brood of 12 and since her granfather Patrick worked long 12 hour days, she would keep a piece from each pie for when he got home.

Susan states her Grandmother was a quiet, soft spoken woman who did not like gossip and never
believed in heresay unless she heard it straight from the "horse's mouth" as she she would call it.

Lucy died in 1968 at the age of 79  of Kidney Cancer. ( five years after her husband )

Thank You Susan for the Beautiful Story about your Grandma Lucy!
