
Saturday, September 29, 2012

A WWII Story

Stephen Flynn b 1921, has just returned from Overseas - WWII
Lt - Rt, Danny ( Gert's Fiance), Steve, Fred, Roy and Vince ( Roy's Best Friend)

My 2nd cousin, Susan shared a story with me about her two uncles Steve and Fred, who both served in WWII.  Uncle Steve was in the Canadian Air Force and Uncle Fred served in the Canadian Army.  Fred was wounded when shrapnel hit his leg while in a fox hole.  Susan's father Roy, remembered how upset Grandma Lucy was when the letter from the Army came to the house, since she was not sure if he survived.  Fred was taken in by a family in France and hidden from the enemy.

Also while in France, Fred and Steve met once during active duty, by accident.  There was a baseball game going on in the field and Fred looked over to see a tall, blond man resembling his brother Steve.  Sure enough, it was Steve and they spendt the afternoon together.  Susan states she thinks her Uncle Fred returned home first and Uncle Steve stayed til the war was over.  The above photo was taken shortly after his return home and the war was over, about 1945-46.

Susan's father Roy, was too young to join but tried several times telling a lie about his age. He was only 17 years old and tried different locations to enlist so he could be with his brothers.  His best friend Vince was in the Navy and Roy missed him as well.

Thank You Susan, for sharing this Flynn Family Story!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Patrick Flynn's Children

Patrick and Lucy Flynn had a family of 10 children, 4 Boys and 6 girls.  The above photo was taken in the early 1990's at Patrick Flynn's Grand Daughter Lori Ann's Wedding.  Eight of Patrick and Lucy's children are in this photograph.
Front Row - Lt to Rt
          Fred, Madeline (Dolly) (Mother of the Bride), Rosaleen, and Roy
Back Row
          Gertrude, Ellen ( Nell), Al Feeney and Lori Ann, Kathleen and Genevieve ( Sr Bernadette)
I came across this photo in my mother's collection, it was protected in a large envelope, labeled " Patrick Flynn's Family". I put the envelope aside and several years later filed it in my Family History Book.  I knew my grandfather had a brother named Patrick but never knew any of his family until I recently made the connection with my second cousin Susan from Ontario.  Not until she started sharing stories about her Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles did I begin to understand this branch of the Flynn Family Tree.
The photo below is of Patrick Flynn Sr and 3 of his sons.

Susan shared with me that her side of the family has been "cursed with cancer" and asked if other Flynn relatives have also.

Birth order of Patrick and Lucy's Children
       Patrick Joseph 1913 - 1980 born in NFLD died age 67 of Stomach Cancer
       Rosaleen          1914 - 2000 born in NFLD died age 86 of Throat Cancer
       Ellen (Nell)      1918 - still living, born in Nova Scotia
       Gertrude           1919 - still living, born in Hamilton, Ontario
       Stephen Michael 1921 - 1970 born in Hamilton, Ontario died age 48 of Hodgkin's Lymphoma
       Kathleen            1923 - 2002 born in Hamilton, Ontario died age 79 of Breast Cancer
       Fred                   1924 - 1996 born in Hamilton, Ontario died age 72 of Colon Cancer
       Genevieve         1926 - still living, born in Hamilton, Ontario
           (Sr. Bernadette)
       Roy Thomas      1927 - 2011 born in Hamilton, Ontario died age 84 of Lung Cancer
       Madeline            1931 - still living, born in Hamilton, Ontario

Susan states the remaining four sister Nell, Gert, Sr Bernadette and Dolly are in good health.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Patrick Thomas Flynn Sr

 Patrick Thomas Flynn Sr was my grandfather Stephen Flynn Jr's older brother,  making him my Great Uncle.
 Patrick was born July 11th, 1890 in Lakeview, Harbour Main Newfoundland, Canada.  He was the 5th child born to Stephen Flynn Sr and MaryAnn Tubrett.
Recently, I made contact with his grand daughter Susan, who shared with me that her Grandfather  Patrick and her Father Roy Thomas were Hoist Engineers. She also stated that she was told by her Aunts that Stephen Sr was a Hoist Engineer also, working in the Mines in Newfoundland.     
In March of 1912, at the age of 21, Patrick married Louise (Lucy) McGrath from Harbour Grace, NFLD. Susan informed me that her Grandfather never fought in WWI, as I had stated in a previous entry. A son Patrick Jr was born in 1913 and a daughter Rose born 1914 while they were still living in Newfoundland. Another daughter Ellen (Nell) born 1918 in Nova Scotia en route to Hamilton Ontario where they settled and raised their family of 10 children total.
I believe this photo is of a young Patrick Thomas Flynn Sr,. through process of elimination and comparision to the below photo and others sent to me by my 2nd cousin Susan.  She will have her Aunts confirm this in the near future.  (Notice the Steel-toed shoes he is wearing)

The photo on the right is of Patrick and Lucy Flynn taken May 1962 at their 50th Wedding Anniversary.     Patrick Thomas Flynn Sr died Apr 14th 1963 of cancer at the age of 73 years. Susan states she believes he sufferred from Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

I look forward to meeting Patrick and Lucy's family and learning more about their life.